"The Man from Brazil"
There once was a man from Brazil.
He liked to sit on a hill.
One day he fell,
right into a well,
and came out with quite a chill
You said you loved me
I said I didn't
Now I know that neither of us meant it
"Blake who Builds Blocks"
Blake who builds blocks straight out of rocks
likes to rock with his air guitar.
Blake who builds blocks straight out of rocks,
likes to drink ice-cold milk on the rocks.
Blake who builds blocks straight out of rocks
likes for poetry to make sense
Blake who builds blocks straight out of rocks
says "Blocks are chiseled from rocks"
So Blake who builds blocks straight out of rocks
actually chisels instead
But the rest is true, just like cows say moo,
The cows that make Blake's milk.
And he does like to walk with his air guitar rocking,
Only, he smashed it on a rock.
The End