Tuesday, March 29, 2016


From the Lord of the Rings trilogy:

From "Confessions of a Shopaholic"

From "The Princess and the Frog"
"But Miss Charlotte, you said 'later' two hours ago."
"Travis, when a woman says 'later,' she really means 'not ever.'"

From "The Blues Brothers"
"Illinois Nazis."
"I hate Illinois Nazis."

From "The Princess Bride" (Let's be real though, I could quote the entire movie)
Image result for the princess bride quotes 
From "She's the Man"

From "Tangled"

From "The Chronicles of Narnia"

From "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"

From "The Dark Knight"

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Window Poem

Straight ahead I see a screened-in deck, and behind the screen, a maple tree.
Looking left, I see where the screen connects to the house,
and I see the top of another tree behind the screen.

From the bare branches of the maple tree comes something new.

And on the porch, the blankets we sometimes use to protect plants from the frost.

I look beyond the grass to the fence. Behind the fence, I see a narrow lane of trees.
And through the tops of those trees, I see the sun beginning to set. Then I take off my jacket, and sit at the table.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cotton Tutu

Men dressed in black and grey barter over clouds.
The white puffs of cotton sit on the table,
their snowy appearance seeking to lie about their hot, humid origin.

One man reads from a newspaper,
seemingly oblivious to the buying and selling.

Another man sits and examines his handkerchief.

And the cotton just sits, until it is taken away.

Soon, its pure whiteness will be blue,
Dyed from indigo from the same hot, humid origin.

It will become a useful textile,
Until it is too old,
or simply out of fashion.

Then it will be thrown away.

White tutus with pastel sashes
and pink shoes tied with ribbon,
move as one at the command of the instructor.

A small dog observes the proceedings,
enjoying the view of the graceful forms.

They've been there for hours,
day after day,

The little old man with a cane,
choreographing and coaching,

and the little dog,

and the exhausted ballerinas in their tutus.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Artist Profile

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas was born July 19, 1834. He lived with his parents and four younger siblings in Paris. His father's name was Augustin de Gas. He was a banker. His mother was Celestine Musson de Gas. Degas recieved a baccalaureat in literature from Lycee. He later went to law school to please his parents. However, he was not enthusiastic about it and did not try. Therefore, he did not complete his law degree. Later, he went to Ecole des Beaux to study art.He was a timid and proud man. He was attracted to women, but he never married.

During his life time,  the Franco-Prussian War, The Drefus Affair, the Civil War, the 1889 World Expo in Paris, the sinking of the Titanic, and the Gilded Age all occurred. In his personal life, he had to bail his brother out of bankruptcy with his inheritance. This made him rely on his artwork for an income. He also suffered from failing eyesight. He was closely associated with the Impressionist movement, though he abhorred the title. He preferred paint and pastels. On a visit to New Orleans, his mother's hometown, he painted one of his most famous works, "The Cotton Exhanges at New Orleans."

Degas painted with a wide range of subjects, including ballerinas, orchestras, classical subjects, and women in various stages of dress. Some of his most famous works are:
The Bellelli Family

Woman with Chrysanthemums

Chanteuse de Cafe

My personal favorites are "The Cotton Exchanges at New Orleans" and "The Dance Class."

Edgar Degas