Monday, April 18, 2016

Iconic Photo


The dude on the television set was a little weird looking. He wore a black turtleneck, his eyebrows were a little crazy, and he held in his hand a small metallic box. The child dismissed his shiny new product and waited for "Wheel of Fortune" to come on. The teenager gazed at the fancy-looking gizmo, while the mom barely glanced as she stirred something on the stove.

Soon, the brief news bit was over, and the weather man came onto the screen. Just then, the dad came home. After watching the weather report, he promptly turned the channel to the baseball game. The child pouted, upset that "Wheel of Fortune" was a no-go. She was still irritated as she began positioning silverware on placemats. The teenager was still enchanted by the IPod as he began placing dishes on the table.

Soon, dinner was ready and the family began discussing the day. During dinner, the phone rang for the dad. He stepped into the home office to take the call. He talked in low voice to the caller. He returned to the family after hanging up. Immediately following dinner, he returned to his office asking not to be disturbed.

He closed the door, and played a recorded sound bite that sounded like he was working. Then, he lifted a hatch under the oriental rug, and slid down the secret chute.

"What seems to be the problem, gentlemen?" He asked on arrival.
"Well, sorry to interrupt your evening sir, but we've got a disturbance in the North corridor."
"Right, well let's take a look."

1 comment:

  1. Very imaginative! Reminds of the scene in Incredibles where the dad goes in his office to view his message that self-destructs.
